Installing ========== WeasyPrint |version| depends on: * CPython_ 2.7 or ≥ 3.4 * cairo_ ≥ 1.15.0 [#]_ * Pango_ ≥ 1.29.3 * CFFI_ ≥ 0.6 * html5lib_ ≥ 0.999999999 * cairocffi_ ≥ 0.5 * tinycss2_ ≥ 0.5 * cssselect2_ ≥ 0.1 * CairoSVG_ ≥ 1.0.20 * Pyphen_ ≥ 0.8 * pdfrw_ ≥ 0.4 * Optional: GDK-PixBuf_ ≥ 2.25.0 [#]_ .. _CPython: .. _cairo: .. _Pango: .. _CFFI: .. _html5lib: .. _cairocffi: .. _tinycss2: .. _cssselect2: .. _CairoSVG: .. _Pyphen: .. _pdfrw: .. _GDK-PixBuf: Python, cairo, Pango and GDK-PixBuf need to be installed separately. See platform-specific instructions for :ref:`Linux `, :ref:`OS X ` and :ref:`Windows ` below. Install WeasyPrint with pip_. This will automatically install most of dependencies. You probably need either virtualenv_ (recommended) or using ``sudo``. .. _virtualenv: .. _pip: .. code-block:: sh virtualenv ./venv . ./venv/bin/activate pip install WeasyPrint Now let’s try it: .. code-block:: sh weasyprint --help weasyprint ./weasyprint-website.pdf You should see warnings about unsupported CSS 3 stuff; this is expected. In the PDF you should see the WeasyPrint logo on the first page. You can also play with :ref:`navigator`. Start it with .. code-block:: sh python -m weasyprint.navigator and open your browser at Read more :ref:`in the tutorial `. If everything goes well, you’re ready to :doc:`start using ` WeasyPrint! Otherwise, please copy the full error message and `report the problem `_. .. [#] cairo ≥ 1.15 is best but older versions may work too. The test suite passes on cairo 1.12 and 1.14, and passes with some tests marked as “expected failures” on 1.8 and 1.10 due to behavior changes or bugs in cairo. With cairo 1.14, WeasyPrint sometimes creates PDF files that may not be correctly interpreted by GhostScript or CUPS. .. [#] Without it, PNG and SVG are the only supported image formats. JPEG, GIF and others are not available. Linux ----- Pango, GdkPixbuf, and cairo can not be installed with pip and need to be installed from your platform’s packages. CFFI can, but you’d still need their own dependencies. This section lists system packages for CFFI when available, the dependencies otherwise. CFFI needs *libffi* with development files. On Debian, the package is called ``libffi-dev``. You should use Python 3 instead of Python 2. Seriously. If your favorite system is not listed here but you know the package names, `tell us `_ so we can add it here. Debian / Ubuntu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Debian 9.0 Stretch or newer, Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial or newer: .. code-block:: sh sudo apt-get install build-essential python3-dev python3-pip python3-cffi libcairo2 libpango-1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0-0 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libffi-dev shared-mime-info Debian 8.0 Jessie or newer, Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty or newer (with Python 2, but Python 3 may work): .. code-block:: sh sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-pip python-cffi libcairo2 libpango1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0.0 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libffi-dev shared-mime-info Debian 7.0 Wheezy or newer, Ubuntu 12.04 Precise or newer (with Python 2, but Python 3 may work): .. code-block:: sh sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev python-pip libcairo2 libpango1.0-0 libpangocairo-1.0.0 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 libffi-dev shared-mime-info Fedora ~~~~~~ WeasyPrint is `packaged for Fedora `_, but you can install it with pip after installing the following packages: .. code-block:: sh sudo yum install redhat-rpm-config python-devel python-pip python-cffi libffi-devel cairo pango gdk-pixbuf2 Archlinux ~~~~~~~~~ WeasyPrint is `available in the AUR `_, but you can install it with pip after installing the following packages: .. code-block:: sh sudo pacman -S python-pip cairo pango gdk-pixbuf2 libffi pkg-config Gentoo ~~~~~~ WeasyPrint is `packaged in Gentoo `_, but you can install it with pip after installing the following packages: .. code-block:: sh emerge pip cairo pango gdk-pixbuf cffi OS X ---- WeasyPrint is automatically installed and tested on virtual macOS machines. The official installation method relies on Homebrew: .. code-block:: sh brew install python3 cairo pango gdk-pixbuf libffi Don't forget to use the `pip3` command to install WeasyPrint, as `pip` may be using the version of Python installed with macOS. You can also try with Macports, but please notice that this solution is not tested and thus not recommended (**also known as "you're on your own and may end up crying blood with sad dolphins for eternity"**): .. code-block:: sh sudo port install py-pip cairo pango gdk-pixbuf2 libffi Windows ------- Dear Windows user, please follow these steps carefully. Really carefully. Don't cheat. **If you decide to install Python or GTK 32 bit on Windows 64 bit, you're on your own, don't even try to report an issue, kittens will die because of you.** - Install `Python 3.6.x `_ **with "Add Python 3.6 to PATH" checked**: - "Windows x86 executable installer" on Windows 32 bit, - "Windows x86-64 executable installer" on Windows 64 bit, - install GTK **with "Set up PATH environment variable to include GTK+" checked**: - on Windows 32 bit: `gtk2-runtime-x.x.x-x-x-x-ash.exe `_, - on Windows 64 bit: `gtk3-runtime-x.x.x-x-x-x-ts-win64.exe `_, - reboot, - install `Visual C++ Build Tools `_ as explained in `Python's wiki `_, - install WeasyPrint with ``python -m pip install weasyprint``, - test with ``python -m weasyprint weasyprint.pdf``.