API Reference


Return a URL dispatcher based on the current request context.

You generally don’t need to call this directly.

The request context is used when the dispatcher is first created but not afterwards. It is not required after this function has returned.

Dispatch to the context’s app URLs below the context’s root URL. If the application has a SERVER_NAME configuration, also accept URLs that have that domain name or a subdomain thereof.

flask_weasyprint.make_url_fetcher(dispatcher=None, next_fetcher=weasyprint.default_url_fetcher)

Return an function suitable as a url_fetcher in WeasyPrint.

You generally don’t need to call this directly.

If dispatcher is not provided, make_flask_url_dispatcher() is called to get one. This requires a request context.

Otherwise, it must be a callable that takes a URL and returns either None or a (wsgi_callable, base_url, path) tuple. For None, next_fetcher is used. (By default, fetch normally over the network.) For a tuple the request is made at the WSGI level. wsgi_callable must be a Flask application or another WSGI callable. base_url is the root URL for the application while path is the path within the application.

Typically base_url + path is equivalent to the passed URL.

flask_weasyprint.HTML(guess=None, **kwargs)

Like weasyprint.HTML but:

  • make_url_fetcher() is used to create an url_fetcher

  • If guess is not a file object, it is a URL relative to the current request context. This means that you can just pass a result from flask.url_for().

  • If string is passed, base_url defaults to the current request’s URL.

This requires a Flask request context.

flask_weasyprint.CSS(guess=None, **kwargs)

Like weasyprint.CSS but:

  • make_url_fetcher() is used to create an url_fetcher

  • If guess is not a file object, it is a URL relative to the current request context. This means that you can just pass a result from flask.url_for().

  • If string is passed, base_url defaults to the current request’s URL.

This requires a Flask request context.

flask_weasyprint.render_pdf(html, stylesheets=None, download_filename=None, automatic_download=True, **options)

Render a PDF to a response with the correct Content-Type header.

  • html – Either a weasyprint.HTML object or a URL to be passed to flask_weasyprint.HTML(). The latter case requires a request context.

  • stylesheets (list) – A list of user stylesheets, passed to weasyprint.HTML.write_pdf().

  • download_filename (str) – If provided, the Content-Disposition header is set so that most web browser will show the “Save as…” dialog with the value as the default filename.

  • **options

    Named properties given to weasyprint.HTML.write_pdf.

  • automatic_download (bool) – If True, the browser will automatic download file.


a flask.Response object.