This page is for WeasyPrint ‘v52.5’. See changelog for older versions.
WeasyPrint can read normal files, HTTP, FTP and data URIs. It will follow HTTP redirects but more advanced features like cookies and authentication are currently not supported, although a custom url fetcher can help.
Many HTML elements are implemented in CSS through the HTML5 User-Agent stylesheet.
Some elements need special treatment:
element, if present, determines the base for relative URLs.CSS stylesheets can be embedded in
elements or linked by<link rel=stylesheet>
elements accept images either in raster formats supported by GdkPixbuf (including PNG, JPEG, GIF, …) or in SVG with CairoSVG. SVG images are not rasterized but rendered as vectors in the PDF output.
HTML presentational hints are not supported by default, but most of them can be supported:
by using the
CLI parameter, orby setting the
parameter of theHTML.render
methods toTrue
Presentational hints include a wide array of attributes that direct styling in
HTML, including font color
and size
, list attributes like type
, various table alignment attributes, and others. If the document
generated by WeasyPrint is missing some of the features you expect from the
HTML, try to enable this option.
In addition to text, raster and vector graphics, WeasyPrint’s PDF files can contain hyperlinks, bookmarks and attachments.
Hyperlinks will be clickable in PDF viewers that support them. They can
be either internal, to another part of the same document (eg.
<a href="#pdf">
) or external, to an URL. External links are resolved
to absolute URLs: <a href="/news/">
on the WeasyPrint website would always
point to http://weasyprint.org/news/ in PDF files.
PDF bookmarks are also called outlines and are generally shown in a
sidebar. Clicking on an entry scrolls the matching part of the document
into view. By default all <h1>
to <h6>
titles generate bookmarks,
but this can be controlled with CSS (see Bookmarks.)
Attachments are related files, embedded in the PDF itself. They can be
specified through <link rel=attachment>
elements to add resources globally
or through regular links with <a rel=attachment>
to attach a resource that
can be saved by clicking on said link. The title
attribute can be used as
description of the attachment.
WeasyPrint can use any font that Pango can find installed on the system. Fonts are automatically embedded in PDF files.
On Linux, Pango uses fontconfig to access fonts. You can list the available
fonts thanks to the fc-list
command, and know which font is matched by a
given pattern thanks to fc-match
. Copying a font file into the
or ~/.fonts
directory is generally enough to
install a new font. WeasyPrint should support any font format handled by
FreeType, except from
WOFF and WOFF2 formats.
On Windows and macOS, Pango >= 1.38 is required to use fontconfig and
FreeType like it does on Linux. Both, fc-list
and fc-match
will be present, too. Installing new fonts on your system as usual should make
them available to Pango.
Otherwise (Pango < 1.38) on Windows and macOS, the native font-managing libraries are used. You must then use the tools provided by your OS to know which fonts are available. WeasyPrint should support any font format that’s supported by the operating system.
WeasyPrint supports many of the CSS specifications written by the W3C. You will find in this chapter a comprehensive list of the specifications or drafts with at least one feature implemented in WeasyPrint.
The results of some of the test suites provided by the W3C are also available at test.weasyprint.org. This website uses a tool called WeasySuite that can be useful if you want to implement new features in WeasyPrint.
CSS Level 2 Revision 1¶
The CSS Level 2 Revision 1 specification, best known as CSS 2.1, is pretty well supported by WeasyPrint. Since version 0.11, it passes the famous Acid2 Test.
The CSS 2.1 features listed here are not supported:
The ::first-line pseudo-element.
On tables: visibility: collapse.
Minimum and maximum height on table-related boxes.
Conforming font matching algorithm. Currently
is passed as-is to Pango.Right-to-left or bi-directional text.
System colors and system fonts. The former are deprecated in CSS Color Module Level 3.
To the best of our knowledge, everything else that applies to the print media is supported. Please report a bug if you find this list incomplete.
Selectors Level 3¶
With the exceptions noted here, all Selectors Level 3 are supported.
PDF is generally not interactive. The :hover
, :active
, :focus
and :visited
pseudo-classes are accepted as valid but
never match anything.
CSS Text Module Level 3 / 4¶
The CSS Text Module Level 3 and CSS Text Module Level 4 are working drafts defining “properties for text manipulation” and covering “line breaking, justification and alignment, white space handling, and text transformation”.
Among their features, some are already included in CSS 2.1, sometimes with
missing or different values (text-indent
, text-align
, word-spacing
, text-transform
, white-space
New properties defined in Level 3 are supported:
property replacingword-wrap
value of thetext-transform
property; andthe
Experimental properties controling hyphenation are supported by WeasyPrint:
, andhyphenate-limit-zone
To get automatic hyphenation, you to set it to auto
and have the lang
HTML attribute set to one of the languages
supported by Pyphen.
<!doctype html>
<html lang=en>
html { hyphens: auto }
Automatic hyphenation can be disabled again with the manual
html { hyphens: auto }
a[href]::after { content: ' [' attr(href) ']'; hyphens: manual }
The other features provided by CSS Text Module Level 3 are not supported:
andstart end
values of thetext-align
properties; andthe
The other features provided by CSS Text Module Level 4 are not supported:
property with an alignment character;the
value of thewhite-space
property; andthe
CSS Fonts Module Level 3¶
The CSS Fonts Module Level 3 is a candidate recommendation describing “how font properties are specified and how font resources are loaded dynamically”.
WeasyPrint supports the font-size
, font-stretch
, font-style
properties, coming from CSS 2.1.
WeasyPrint also supports the following font features added in Level 3:
- font-kerning
- font-variant-ligatures
- font-variant-position
- font-variant-caps
- font-variant-numeric
- font-variant-east-asian
- font-feature-settings
, and
- font-language-override
is supported. The string is given to Pango that tries to find a
matching font in a way different from what is defined in the recommendation,
but that should not be a problem for common use.
The shorthand font
and font-variant
properties are supported.
WeasyPrint supports the @font-face
rule, provided that Pango >= 1.38 is installed.
WeasyPrint does not support the @font-feature-values
rule and the
values of font-variant-alternates
other than normal
The font-variant-caps
property is supported but needs the small-caps variant of
the font to be installed. WeasyPrint does not simulate missing small-caps
CSS Paged Media Module Level 3¶
The CSS Paged Media Module Level 3 is a working draft including features for paged media “describing how:
page breaks are created and avoided;
the page properties such as size, orientation, margins, border, and padding are specified;
headers and footers are established within the page margins;
content such as page counters are placed in the headers and footers; and
orphans and widows can be controlled.”
All the features of this draft are available, including:
rule and the:left
selectors;the page margin boxes;
the page-based counters (with known limitations #93);
the page
properties;the named pages.
CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module¶
The CSS Generated Content for Paged Media Module (GCPM) is a working draft defining “new properties and values, so that authors may bring new techniques (running headers and footers, footnotes, page selection) to paged media”.
Page selectors are supported by WeasyPrint. You can select pages according to their position in the document:
@page :nth(3) { background: red } /* Third page */
@page :nth(2n+1) { background: green } /* Odd pages */
You can also use running elements to put HTML boxes into the page margins
(but the start
parameter of element()
is not supported).
The other features of GCPM are not implemented:
footnotes (
float: footnote
);page groups (
:nth(X of pagename)
CSS Generated Content Module Level 3¶
The CSS Generated Content Module Level 3 is a working draft helping “authors [who] sometimes want user agents to render content that does not come from the document tree. One familiar example of this is numbered headings […]. Similarly, authors may want the user agent to insert the word “Figure” before the caption of a figure […], or replacing elements with images or other multimedia content.”
Named strings are supported by WeasyPrint. You can define strings related to the first or last element of a type present on a page, and display these strings in page borders. This feature is really useful to add the title of the current chapter at the top of the pages of a book for example.
The named strings can embed static strings, counters, cross-references, tag contents and tag attributes.
@top-center { content: string(chapter) }
h2 { string-set: chapter "Current chapter: " content() }
Cross-references retrieve counter or content values from targets (anchors or identifiers) in the current document:
a::after { content: ", on page " target-counter(attr(href), page) }
a::after { content: ", see " target-text(attr(href)) }
In particular, target-counter()
and target-text()
are useful when it
comes to tables of contents (see an example).
You can also control PDF bookmarks with WeasyPrint. Using the experimental
, bookmark-label
and bookmark-state
properties, you
can add bookmarks that will be available in your PDF reader.
Bookmarks have already been added in the WeasyPrint’s user agent stylesheet,
so your generated documents will automatically have bookmarks on headers (from
to <h6>
). But for example, if you have only one top-level <h1>
and do not wish to include it in the bookmarks, add this in your stylesheet:
h1 { bookmark-level: none }
The other features of this module are not implemented:
quotes (
content: *-quote
);leaders (
content: leader()
CSS Color Module Level 3¶
The CSS Color Module Level 3 is a recommendation defining “CSS properties
which allow authors to specify the foreground color and opacity of an
element”. Its main goal is to specify how colors are defined, including color
keywords and the #rgb
, #rrggbb
, rgb()
, rgba()
, hsl()
syntaxes. Opacity and alpha compositing are also defined in this
This recommendation is fully implemented in WeasyPrint, except the deprecated System Colors.
CSS Transforms Module Level 1¶
The CSS Transforms Module Level 1 working draft “describes a coordinate system within each element is positioned. This coordinate space can be modified with the transform property. Using transform, elements can be translated, rotated and scaled in two or three dimensional space.”
WeasyPrint supports the transform
and transform-origin
properties, and
all the 2D transformations (matrix
, rotate
, translate(X|Y)?
, skew(X|Y)?
WeasyPrint does not support the transform-style
, perspective
and backface-visibility
properties, and all the 3D
transformations (matrix3d
, rotate(3d|X|Y|Z)
, translate(3d|Z)
CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3¶
The CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3 is a candidate recommendation defining properties dealing “with the decoration of the border area and with the background of the content, padding and border areas”.
The border part of this module is supported, as it is already included in the the CSS 2.1 specification.
WeasyPrint supports the background part of this module (allowing multiple
background layers per box), including the background
, background-color
, background-repeat
, background-attachment
, background-clip
, background-origin
WeasyPrint also supports the rounded corners part of this module, including
the border-radius
WeasyPrint does not support the border images part of this module,
including the border-image
, border-image-source
, border-image-width
, border-image-outset
WeasyPrint does not support the box shadow part of this module,
including the box-shadow
property. This feature has been implemented in a
git branch that is not released, as it relies on raster implementation of
CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 3 / 4¶
The Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 3 is a candidate recommendation introducing “additional ways of representing 2D images, for example as a list of URIs denoting fallbacks, or as a gradient”, defining “several properties for manipulating raster images and for sizing or positioning replaced elements” and “generic sizing algorithm for replaced elements”.
The Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 4 is a working draft on the same subject.
The linear-gradient()
, radial-gradient()
properties are supported as background images.
The the url()
notation is supported, but the image()
notation is
not supported for background images.
The object-fit
and object-position
properties are supported.
The from-image
and snap
values of the image-resolution
property are
not supported, but the resolution
value is supported.
The image-rendering
property is supported.
The image-orientation
property is not supported.
CSS Box Sizing Module Level 3¶
The CSS Box Sizing Module Level 3 is a candidate recommendation extending “the CSS sizing properties with keywords that represent content-based ‘intrinsic’ sizes and context-based ‘extrinsic’ sizes.”
The new property defined in this document is implemented in WeasyPrint:
The min-content
, max-content
and fit-content()
sizing values are
not supported.
CSS Overflow Module Level 3¶
The CSS Overflow Module Level 3 is a working draft containing “the features of CSS relating to scrollable overflow handling in visual media.”
The overflow
property is supported, as defined in CSS2. overflow-x
, overflow-clip-margin
, overflow-inline
are not supported.
The text-overflow
, block-ellipsis
, line-clamp
, max-lines
properties are supported.
CSS Values and Units Module Level 3¶
The CSS Values and Units Module Level 3 defines various units and keywords used in “value definition field of each CSS property”.
The initial
and inherit
CSS-wide keywords are supported, but the
keyword is not supported.
Quoted strings, URLs and numeric data types are supported.
Font-related lengths (em
, ex
, ch
, rem
), absolute lengths
, mm
, q
, in
, pt
, pc
, px
), angles (rad
, turn
, deg
), resolutions (dpi
, dpcm
, dppx
) are
The attr()
functional notation is allowed in the content
Viewport-percentage lengths (vw
, vh
, vmin
, vmax
) are not
CSS Multi-column Layout Module¶
The CSS Multi-column Layout Module “describes multi-column layouts in CSS, a style sheet language for the web. Using functionality described in the specification, content can be flowed into multiple columns with a gap and a rule between them.”
Simple multi-column layouts are supported in WeasyPrint. Features such as constrained height, spanning columns or column breaks are not supported. Pagination and overflow are not seriously tested.
The column-width
and column-count
properties, and the columns
shorthand property are supported.
The column-gap
, column-rule-color
, column-rule-style
properties, and the column-rule
shorthand property
are supported.
The break-before
, break-after
and break-inside
properties are
not supported.
The column-span
property is supported for direct children of columns.
The column-fill
property is supported, with a column balancing algorithm
that should be efficient with simple cases.
CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3 / 4¶
The CSS Fragmentation Module Level 3 “describes the fragmentation model that partitions a flow into pages, columns, or regions. It builds on the Page model module and introduces and defines the fragmentation model. It adds functionality for pagination, breaking variable fragment size and orientation, widows and orphans.”
The CSS Fragmentation Module Level 4 is a working draft on the same subject.
The break-before
, break-after
and break-inside
properties are
supported for pages, but not for columns and regions. page-break-*
aliases as defined in CSS2 are supported too.
The orphans
and widows
properties are supported.
The box-decoration-break
property is supported, but backgrounds are always
repeated and not extended through the whole box as it should be with ‘slice’
The margin-break
property is supported.
CSS Custom Properties for Cascading Variables Module Level 1¶
The CSS Custom Properties for Cascading Variables Module Level 1 “introduces cascading variables as a new primitive value type that is accepted by all CSS properties, and custom properties for defining them.”
The custom properties and the var()
notation are supported.
CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3¶
The CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3 “contains the features of CSS relating to text decoration, such as underlines, text shadows, and emphasis marks.”
The text-decoration-line
, text-decoration-style
properties are supported, except from the wavy
value of text-decoration-style
. The text-decoration
shorthand is also
The other properties (text-underline-position
, text-emphasis-*
) are not supported.
CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1¶
The CSS Flexible Box Layout Module Level 1 “describes a CSS box model optimized for user interface design”, also known as “flexbox”.
This module works for simple use cases but is not deeply tested.
All the flex-*
, align-*
, justify-*
and order
properties are
supported. The flex
and flex-flow
shorthands are supported too.